Friday, January 25, 2008

Activity # 36 Social Networking

I searched on line for different explanations of the types of social networking websites other than MySpace and FaceBook. I came up with the understanding that the concept of social networking is the linking of individual through the network either as a small closed community where all the clients either know each other or share common values, goals, or experiences. That small community does not open itself to new ideas or contacts like a large social network allows. The larger your client base the greater the possibility for new ideas and contacts.
I sometimes wonder are we being overly concerned? Will these sites be nothing but a fad and disappear as the new latest technology comes along to attract students. I remember when I was in school if you didn't join in with the right social crowd you weren't "cool". Or the Fraternity and Sorority "rush". We joined in to get that post graduation social contacts (I know some joined for the "social" aspects)to get those future jobs. The technology wasn't around like today's future graduates will use. However with that said, students need to be taught the proper etiquette for the use of this technology. Especially high school students who post photo and information that future employers may not appreciate in their future employees.

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